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May 27, 2004Regarding MugabeBrian, at Black Star Journal, has much more to say about the man. Anyone who been watching the car wreck that is Mugabe's recent politcal and diplomatic moves will find themselves nodding in agreement.
Posted by zombyboy at 03:39 PM
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The War on TerrorOne of the interesting side effects of the war on terror will be the relocation of terrorists and training camps to those African nations that are in disarray politically. If Afghanistan is no longer hospitable, then a place like Somalia might start looking attractive. Ultimately, the war on terror will probably be forced to focus on those nations. Surprising to me, though, is this report from South Africa:
It's good to see these little victories agains the terrorists, though; every cut reduces their abilities somewhat and every arrest helps avert an attack.
Posted by zombyboy at 11:04 AM
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May 24, 2004Is Mugabe Growing Senile?I'm not asking that question in a completely rhetorical manner? Mugabe, who started his political career as the embodiment of the international community's hope for a new model of African leader--a man who would help lead his nation away from its racist roots and to a prosperous reconciliation where blacks were an equal and respected part of the political systems. He was the moderate who was polite and kind and willing to listen. Frankly, I never liked him. He's an unrepentant socialist, and, from the beginning, it was clear that he would end up practicing the nasty forms of racism typical to the region--both tribalism and targeted anti-white discrimination that would cost the nation dearly. But, for so long, his worst behavior was always tempered by his PR acumen. Over the last few years, his PR skills have been nowhere near enough to compensate for his increasingly heavy hand. I had credited that to his true colors simply seeping out for all to see; not that he was so much getting worse, but that his transgressions had become so common that they were harder to hide. What he said about Desmond Tutu, though, makes me wonder if Mugabe is slipping a few cogs here and there.
Between insulting one of South Africa's most respected figures and his insistence that his country won't need food aid, I began to wonder just what world Mugabe is living in, because it bears little resemblance to the real world. He continues to hint, as the article notes, that he will retire after his current term in office. Is he now working hard to do the most possible damage before he leaves the public eye? Is he working to make sure that he leaves behind a legacy of racial hatred, starving families, and a ruined economy? The man who was once Zimbabwe's hope became her tormentor. Now he seems focused on tearing away the last shreds of Zimbabwe's future.
Posted by zombyboy at 12:01 PM
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May 13, 2004Feel Good Story of the DayIf the health, social, and cultural problems facing the nations of Africa were to be seen as an ocean, then this story is simply about one of the millions of drops that are needed to fill that ocean. Good is to be celebrated where you find it, though.
The money that goes toward clean water, better sanitation, and training for health care profesionals will be especially well spent. Hopefully it truly does make a real change for the people living in squalor and poverty. Sadly, while $34 million sounds like a huge amount of money, it's really just scratching the surface.
Posted by zombyboy at 01:49 PM
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Hunger as a WeaponMugabe is looking to refuse international food aid, saying that his country's crops will be more than enough to feed his nation through the coming year. This is one Bishop's response:
Pinching off food distribution is a wonderful way to control the citizens of a hungry nation, and an even better way to strip power from any opposition political powers.
Posted by zombyboy at 01:20 PM
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May 12, 2004Of Arguments and Arguments...In some countries arguments are tidy little affairs with raised voices and hurt feelings. In other countries arguments might involve high explosives and lost limbs. For the record, I'm glad I live in the former.
The article also talks about attempts at a "mediated ceasefire." All I know is I'm not staying at that hotel.
Posted by zombyboy at 10:16 AM
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May 07, 2004Knuckling Under (Updated)The Zimbabwe school "crisis" ended when the schools were bullied into allowing the government to, essentially, set their fees. I don't blame the schools for knuckling under--what other course of action was open to them after the government started arresting teachers? It really just plays as another act in the tragicomedy that is Zimbabwe.
Well, there is some bit of equity in this. I mean, if the government can destroy the public schools, why shouldn't they be able to destroy the private ones as well? Update: I came across the Beeb article that addresses the decline of schooling in Zimbabwe.
Education is one of those things that ripples throughout an entire society. AIDs and HIV rates fall in those countries with better eduction, economic outlook usually improves for countries with higher literacy rates (literacy being a good indicator of a broader look at education). A low school enrollment rate--especially in a country that was, just fifteen years ago, used to a much higher enrolment rate--combined with no plan for rectifying the situation is simply a plan for failure.
Posted by zombyboy at 09:23 AM
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May 06, 2004Scary HeadmastersIn a follow up to my last Zim post, the schools are no longer just being closed, but some of the teachers are being arrested.
Predictably, Mugabe's government is blaming the arrests, the closures, and the demands for lowered fees on racism. And, again, instead of solving the problems in the public schools and the economy, Mugabe is simply finding the most convenient scapegoat possible. It's far easier to continue to work at fragmenting the country than it is to actually fix any of its problems.
Posted by zombyboy at 12:13 PM
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May 04, 2004More MugabeRobert Mugabe continues to work to consolidate the government's position as the head of all legal activity in Zimbabwe.
It's classist politics designed to divert attention from the real problems: Zimbabwe's schools and economy. Once again, I find a story that would probably be funny if it weren't so tragically typical.
Posted by zombyboy at 11:09 AM
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